About Battle Rounds

Battle Rounds (TM) is a game about creativity, artistic skill, strategy, imagination, and more.  You assemble a team of characters to battle your friend’s team of characters. Your characters can be miniatures and action figures you already own, or you can create a team specifically for this game. Use Battle Rounds discs to track your characters’ stats for fast and fun gameplay. Drop in some other Battle Rounds encounters and elements, like trading cards, and you’re ready for an exciting game that puts your strategy and imagination to the ultimate test.

What we love about Battle Rounds the most is that players can create their own characters and the only restriction is their own imaginations. The characters you design determine their play style and statistics. Build a character with giant laser cannon for an increased range score. Build a character on a futuristic speeder bike for increased movement. Visit our Create page for ideas on how to build your own Battle Rounds characters.

No amazing paint job goes unrewarded! If you’re painting your own miniatures, your painting skills can actually benefit you in the game! Check out our Tournament Rules for how your characters are rewarded bonus stats if they’re the best painted figure on the table.

We hope you enjoy Battle Rounds as much as we do. Send us pics of your teams… we want to see them!
Mark Rose

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